2024-2025 Secondary State Officers

    Campbell Crum, President                                        Isabella Johnson, Reporter

        Cash Clardy, Treasurer                                                Shane Williamson, Historian

Andrea Burgoon, Secretary                                       Ryder Lehman, Chaplain

                                                                                                 Jase Flud, Parliamentarian

National SkillsUSA High School Vice President

Emma Gunn

2023-2024 Post Secondary State Officers

Abagail Brown, President

Ashley Hedges, Secretary

Lilia Valerio-Weekley, Reporter

Election Process

Secondary Officer election process is closed for the 2024-2025 cycle.  Please return February 2025 to learn more about applying for the 2025-2026 officer cycle.

Post-Secondary Officer election information, application and timeline will for the 2024-2025 cycle will open starting late August.  Please return for more information when the new school year starts.